Earlier this year I went on an amazing ride through Southern Africa. It was a tour led by Charley Boorman and run by
Motoaventures. There were a bunch of great people on the trip from all over the world, but one I hear the most from since is Peter from Sheffield who was on the trip with his old mate Mick. Peter sent me these brilliant photos of his life on two wheels.

Here Peter is rocking the once popular '
Sutcliffe' look every man in the North of England seemed to adopt in the 1970s. No wonder it took the coppers so lo
ng to catch the Yorkshire Ripper.

Getting air in wellies.

Here’s also a couple from Mick and mines past. Way back around 1969, we had the use of a mates Dad’s garage in a fairly posh Sheffield suburb in which we had a load of bikes in various states of disrepair, 4 of us basically middle class kids but scratching for money with a ramshackle collection of old machines and a set of whitworth spanners.
Once we'd seen Easy Rider we realised that what we needed were apehangers. There's me and our two mates, not john by name. I'm sitting on my '57 Sunbeam S8, there are two Triumph 350s and a BSA SS80.
Below, me and Pete at Rollerburn. Thanks Pete. Great photos. G
Great picture of 2CV with the trailer. I'm not a rarity...
Yes, Streetracker, but this isn't a photo of Peter on the way to a trials event. The bike and trailer were always on the back of the car, 365 days of the year and he would use the bike to get to the nearest phone box when the 2CV broke down. G
Impossible. It was a 2CV, not a common Fiat...
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