From Al McQ
Check out this Redline framed Norton on VFT - looks nice to me!
Redline were made by Lin Kastaan (I've probably misspelled this without checking) before he got into building BMX bikes - he used to work for Trackmaster before that
Cheers! A
Yes it's Kastan, he did A lot for BMX in the way of design & development.
i'll say http://www.23mag.com/com/redline/redline.htm
I had a Redline Framed Norton I built in the S.F. Bay area. At the same tome I had a Redline BMX bike. This was back before mountain bikes swo we ran bent aluminum conduit for a seat post nad struts to the rear axle to accomodate our adult sixe bodies. Killer for downhilling! gave it up fpr a mountain bike with lots of gears and big wheels.
Sure do Miss the Norton. I wish I had never sold it. I was becoming a dad and struck with a moment of resposibility at the wrong moment.
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