11:49 and the front door bell goes; we have a zero tolerance policy on hawkers, bible / UPVC double-glazing salesmen, and any charity, after my wife nearly fell prey to a scammer who was supposedly collecting for 'a sponsored donkey in Africa' but when he demanded to have her bank details there and then on the door-step, the game was up. So anyway, ready with my curt "No", it turns out that the shabby-chic couple standing there are actually inquiring about the house next door which is for sale. They apologize for "getting me out of bed" - as I am still dressed in my pijamas. I explain that although I went to bed at 03:30, I've actually been up since 07:14 thanks to my kids, and it's not that I'm too lazy to get dressed, I'm just too damn busy finishing off SB#7 before it goes off to the printers. BP
toweling bathrobe - The White Company
T-shirt - Death Spray Custom, but with a spelling mistake that makes it more rare and valuable than a print error Penny Black.
pin-stripe PJs - John Lewis
Joseph Beuys felt slippers - Birkenstocks
coffee perculator - Omegna
Is my mind full of dark matter, or am I not the only one who thinks the photo looks like a promo still for the 'Silent Witness - Sideburn' Special? All thats missing is a noose and a caption about disappointing coffee pushing you over the deadline edge!
Don't do it!
bizarrely enough the girl did look a lot like the Silent Witness pathologist Nikki Alexander, and I thought "ehh, you're a bit early aren't you? I'm not through yet"
Ha life imitating low brow art… To pointlessly extrapolate the theme, first thesis, workplace stress driven suicide. Secondary decoy thesis, murder by reader’s wives driven psychotic by motorbike related neglect. Final, actual cause of death, murder arranged by a cartel of Korean motorcycle manufactures lead by Kim Jong il ( in the style of ‘Team America’). Motive, plummeting sales of donkey race bike nonsense, part blamed on Sideburns championing of pre 1985 bikes……
Nothing clever to say, but I do have a coffee pot like the one pictured. Makes a pretty serious cup!
I admire you dedication to providing us with the best motorcycle entertainment available. Unfortunately, I fear that I shall be thinking of you in your pyjamas whilst reading SB7.
Awake at 7.14am, at least you got a lie in.
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