Here are some photos from the last DSC Show.
UPDATE: David Death Spray has just got in touch to say the gallery will be staying open 'a bit later' on Thursday for those who want to check out the new artwork, then ride down to Reilly Rocket to have a brew and buy Sideburn 8.
UPDATE 2: Free stickers to the first person to leave a comment with the correct answer telling us which car gave up its bonnet (hood) for the Death Spray cause.
I am gutted about all this on the week I am out of the UK
Be heading down to this before the Sideburn 8 launch party, can't wait!
Great double reason to burn out a clutch round Londons streets !
Steve #59
Is it the Boot lid of a 82 Bently Mulsanne turbo ?
It's a Hot Wheels Camaro, no!
Lady Penelope's vintage Alpha run around
diggin into the 90s rally car memory archives i'm going with Nissan Pulsar GTi-R. never looked as good as with this paint job though!
.........i'm guessing that's a Nissan "Sunny" for my antipodean brethren though ; ]
Herby, the love bug. yes.
Redrumracer is right. Sideburn blog followers never disappoint. Email us your address and I'll send some stickers. G
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