He's a long time friend/team mate of Me and Highside. So it seemed logical to have him represent Skooter Farm as a rookie.
A hot, super-stylish BMX racer who raced in the 1981-82 heydays.....he was FACTORY ROBINSON and raced a few times in California under the watchful eye of Chuck Robinson and ABA pro Scott Clarke. Hasn't done any form of competitive racing since those times. Came down the SKOOTER FARM training facility a few weeks back to check out flat track and was a total natural from the word go. He's stoked to be racing and is planning how he can do it again!

Respect to all in the novice class, some great racing , god help us all when you move up a class. For the majority looking like sooner rather than later!!
I fluked a 5th in the final
(c/o Jamie's 'Death or Glory' self destruct trick), Jason styled his third place...I wanted to chat to him about days of BMXing and how he was a better rider than me at that too, but
for some reason didn't!
Hats off to the man who rode looking like he was sat on his favorite arm chair, whilst I looked like drunk Dad on the dancefloor....
Rammy Roolz OK!!!
He plans to race at the next club round in Buxton......
Wow,,,what a blast !! fantastic weekend at Amman,,loved it. A cool vibe with ultra cool folk.. Big thanks to skooter farm Dave for the bike,, the Captain for the race talks and Wilky for the Entertainment..Everyone was so friendly,,especially the guys at Co-built,,Ben and Drogo ( i will bore you with BMX talk next time buddy )...See ya ll soon !!
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