One more evening to post for a chance to win a very limited edition Hauler T-shirt.
What's the best piece of advice you've ever been given?
Post it as a comment. If you post anonymously, you better sign your entry. We'll take entries till Jan 2.
Our choice is final. There are no other prizes. Bon chance, mes amis!
"God is in the details."
Keep both eyes open, and one hand on the wheel.
if it's got tits or tires it'll give you nothin but trouble.
When in doubt....GAS IT !
"You know the difference between a big cat and a small cat? A big cat'll scratch your eyes out, but a little pussy'll never hurt ya." Winston an old time Hells Angel from Oakland taken from the book Hells Angel
oh shit he's got an acorn nut!
Measure twice....cut once..Great advice for many things..if only i'd followed it..!!
Make people wonder if you are a dumbass. Don't open your mouth and remove all doubt.
Best advice? Righty tighty,lefty loosey!
don't eat yellow snow.
originalracingsnake posted:
If you're gonna be dumb, you'd better be tough.
I was once selected as part of a Camden Carrot team. The Rastafarian who was the instigator and technician for the event, invited me to fire the thing up. Proceeding to strike a match, and puff hard to obtain ignition he suddenly threw his arms up in horror.
"Wow Man! Let the match burn a little first! You don't want to be inhaling any of the sulphur man, it's bad shit. Really unhealthy."
"When the flag drops the bullshit stops"
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