I know eff-all about guitars. I can't play one. I don't if I can even hold one right, but I knew this was a Jaguar without checking. Handsome geetar. I also like to think that the rider is Bud Ekins. I have nothing to back this up, except, it looks like him from this angle, because he's about the right size and build. And he's on a Triumph. And that lid looks like the Bell he wore. And who would you trust to jump a bike for an advert? I want it to be Bud. Anyone know?
Advert taken from Motorcycho.
I always wanted a Jaguar , till that knobhead from Nirvana started playing one .
I always wanted a knobhead till that guitarist from Nirvana got one. G
The Rider is my Grandfather Lloyd A Larson. He raced with Bud Many times. The ad was in Surfer Magazine in Juuly 1966. My Brother has the original print somewhere.
Thanks for filling in the gaps Josh. G
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