I couldn't resist. I've been a sucker for biker films since I saw The Wild Angels on a bootleg VHS in 1988 or 89. And I've been a fan of Quentin Tarantino since I saw Reservoir Dogs in Bradford before it went on general release (I've just found out Bradford is the world's first UNESCO City of Film. Take that and shove it LA and Bombay). And I like Madsen (below, as 'The Gent'). So, when I walked past the local rental shop (yes, Spalding has one) I was drawn in.
BUT... No one warned me about this stinker. Or if they did, I wasn't listening. Tarantino's only the executive producer (I think that means he makes the film happen and has creative input but obviously isn't the director), but his name is bigger than the director's.
The plot is kitten-weak; the acting beyond cliched; Vinnie Jones' accent is unfathomable; Dennis Hopper defies description...
And why has the lead got a false beard? Couldn't he grow one? At least, because it's only 1hr 15 long, I didn't waste too much time.
Here's the trailer if you haven't seen it. GI
PS Yes, everyone's a critic, I'm just warning you, my friends.

yeah,not the best film in the world gary but i think you may be missing the point a little. if you remember 'the wild angels' and all those other 60's and 70's movies, [i'm a little embarassed to admit i have them all!], were never going to win an oscar, they were just exploitation movies really, saturday night grindhouse fare and i think you just have to enjoy it for what it is, a homage to all those biker films that, with the passing of time, look cool again, yeah, you're right, everybody is a critic, [but the bikes are pretty].
Hey Loveless, I know it's a homage, but it's a shit one. Something with loads of budget, pretending to be shit on purpose, with a dirt bike hiding in the Six-Six-Six pack, is just crap. It's all too knowing. It has no charm or wit. It just ends up swearing and sticking its tits in my face. And if I wanted that I could've gone out in Peterborough. G
Hi Gary,
You are right that film is a damn stinker! Anthony bought it on (dodgy) DVD as he read the name Quentin Tarantino on the (photocopied) cover. Terrible film. I can still smell it now!!!! Yuck!!!
bad high budget movie.... give a camera to some bikers and they will make a better movie... i bought the damn DVD, at least it has cool artwork!
That's a bitchin' movie! I tell everyone about it!
Looks halfway entertaining... what I've come to expect from everything with Tarantino's name on it in this era. Trotting Dennis Hopper's tired old bones out for another biker flick I see. Ain't seen grindhouse yet so someday I suppose.
sooper dissapointing! I'd rather watch re-runs of CC and Company!
Does Hell Ride out-cheese
Easy Rider The Ride Back?
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