Getting out of bed at 4.30, to ride the Ducati 175 miles to the Channel Tunnel didn't seem like a good idea when the alarm went off last Friday. I met up with Ben and Red Max Steve at 8am, locked the bike to a lamppost and jumped in the Red Max van heading for le capital de France. A few hours later we were trawling Paris for a parking spot. We had a van load of stuff to try sell, otherwise we'd have been on bikes. Next year, we will be.
We route-marched to the HQ of Ateliers Ruby helmets to meet the man behind the luxury lids, Jerome Costé. We had an afternoon of talking and reading Jerome's books and mags, pawing his helmets. Then it was downstairs to the bar for drinks. Met up with Bertie B and his wife SR Labo (who shot KR's A&A TZ750 for Sideburn 2) and a bunch of other good people, before going to stay at Sonic Seb's flat in Clichy. The next day we went to the great garage Seb shares with some of his Fat Club mates (see the montage. What a bloody montage, eh, Steve?). It has a dyno, tyre changer, loads of room, tools, beer pump, office It's better equipped than a lot of pro bikes garages.
Seb has just finished a great XS650 we'll feature in a future issue.
Then it was over to Dimitri's... GI
Sonic Seb
Seb's XS

SR Labo and Bertie B. Crap photo by GI.
Seb, thanks for that daydream fuel. I'll be doing something similar with my free XS. Wonderful bike gents.
thks Skylar. Gary, Ben & Steve > my pleasure ! you're my friends.
seb 'french SB evangelist'
Le montage et bla bla sans poop poo poo , monsuier .;-)
Seb you rock mate , and so does that bike !
Thanks for puttin us up and feedin us at the party .
UR one ace dude .
Steve #59
dont the stags ave a tune called montage 'a papa?!.
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