You know that for a while I’ve been pondering what kind of race transport would be best?
Here’s just a few of the ponderings rattling round my bonce….
60’s Ford Econoline, cool, but perhaps naff cos I’m not American and this is not America
70’s Ford Tranny, nah not for me
60’s VW camper? Great, except some silly sausage but the engine in the back. Pah.
Maybe a brand spanking new VW transporter? That’s more like it. Fast, efficient, reliable and what’s more the engines in the right place. Yawn. Boring.
What about a jet pack? That’s more like it. However having spoken to martinjetpack.com they confirm that their jet pack would not carry a motorcycle as well as a passenger. Booooo. Well get to work on a better one then.
So you may ask how I ended up with this? Well, me too
O WOW!! GAG GAG GAG on my knees crying and beating the floor,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
that is so full of win
Awesome, but it has the engine out back, like a camper.... ;o)
real 356 or kit? either way very cool
Rich, if you knew Jason you'd know how unnecessary that questions was. Kit? Pah! G
Ah right, i see well at least he's one of the lucky few with money and style!
Got a EuroMillions in my pocket - reckon a DB4 Zagato should make a pretty nice hauler.
I haul the bikes I buy with a 1990 Jeep XJ 2 door. If the bike is dropped I can just put it in the back with the seats up.
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