Sunday, 1 January 2012

Dirk's New Bike

This has been on my desktop for months. Jan-Willem Dutch Brother sent me it. It's Dirk's new bike, a Wood-Rotax on lovely Performance Machine 8-spokes. He bought it after seeing an advert on VFT then imported it. A steady dribble of framers are coming to Europe from the US and,of course, more are being built here by companies like Co-Built, Zaeta and Red Max.

If anyone has those PM wheels for sale, let us know, please. G


loveless said...

the pm wheels are lush but rare, remember they will be pretty beat up by now, made the same mistake with a set of dymag's off an ex-racer, here's one to put the cat amongst the pigeons, what about a set of honda 'comstar' wheel's?, right sizes available, light and cheap as chips......

KrookStreetRacing said...

Ah, the old flat track wheel conundrum. It's probably the hardest part of building a flat tracker. Comstars are not bad wheels, but are they not too narrow? Or did Honda make a 19 inch Comstar rear wheel...?