The Arctic Tundra followed us to Bury St Edmunds for the launch party. Ryan Quickfall and his girlfriend skied all the way from Newcastle (downhill all the way so it was pretty easy). Dave Skooterfarm took 2 hours just to dig his van out of his snow drift front garden before setting off from Wigan. There was even a bobsleigh team from London captained by Sarah Bradley. But even madder than mad Jim McMad was the only two motorcyclists who braved the sub zero elements to win our two trophies 'Best Street Tracker' and 'Furthest Traveled by Motorcycle'.

Thanks to the Stags for playing and everybody else who turned up.

Then there was the after-party. Thanks Paul for being such a great host. The Heart of Suffolk indeed. BP
I spy 4 x Trip Outers in the house!
Is that GI cutting a rug in the second photo montage? And the obligatory Sideburn footwear shot is present- looks like a screamer of a do! Just a bit of a shame the blizzard cramped the bike array. I look forward to the mag.....
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