I was out in Turin a couple of weeks ago working with a young photographer called Leo Williams. He was assisting Sam Barker, but had his portfolio on his phone. All his shots are great, but these blew me away, even on a phone screen. He shot these during the recent G8 riots in London, but some are like fashion shoot images (except the one below which I included to show there really was a riot going on). He shoots fashion too. He's only 21 and wears ridiculous trousers (those with the waistband lower than one's buttocks), but we'll let him off. I hope he'll shot for Sideburn in the future. GI

Very talented,amazing the difference black and white (very esoteric) and colour (very Daily Mail) makes !
Griff, glad you like them, but there are actually three types of shot here - colour, B&W and, I'm pretty sure, desaturated colour. The horse rider and a lot of the close up faces are desaturated. Photographers can know mess around with all the levels in photoshop to create this effect. GI
Crikey that sounds complicated,I think I need to go to the shed and play with my tig welder!
those are rather beautiful
wow..these images are gorgeous..so dramatic and interesting...
Excelllent work. I hope he gets some press. VERY NICE.
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