Team Sideburn is burning the candle at both ends to get shit done. Bouncing kids and day jobs, then staying up late into the small hours putting SB#4 together. It's a bumper issue and we're really excited. In the meantime please be patient. Here is some quality waiting-room reading matter...
This hallowed magazine has been mentioned before on the Sideblog, but no one seemed to have even a dog-eared copy anymore. But John 'Dirty Whitewalls' Morales has a moto library and a half and he unearthed this. Road Rocket only made it to two issues before EMAP publishing suits pulled the plug on it. It's attitude remains dear to our hearts. For me personally, it re-aligned the stars. Thank You Mark Graham and Hugo Wilson. BP
I've got the first issue I think, with Vic and Bob on the cover...
Think iv'e got em all ! stashed somewhere mate !
A magazine that features both the KLF and Benelli 900 on the cover has to be good.
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