Saturday, 7 August 2010

We've found a new god to worship 4


We haven't been actively searching for a new focus for our worship because Sideburn's last god was so excellent, but George Howard Cole is our new one. A child deity. Thanks to Grant for enlightening us. GI


Anonymous said...

That's pure genius! What a great find.

BlackCountryBiker said...

Somewhere there is also some footage of young Howard practising his speedway on a farmyard at Ettingshall, Wolverhampoton. He takes the turn a bit too wide and ends up broadsiding into the duck pond! To hide his identity as a schoolkid .he rode at Cradley and Wolves as Kid Brodie, but his schoolteacher was in the crowd and found him out

Anonymous said...

i also worship the kid at the beginning of on any sunday, who wheelies his pushbike 4 about half a mile.
anyone know what happened to him?!.
bloody kids!!!...

Nick said...

Steve, I can't remember his name but he was born in Scotland, and his parents move to America some time before Bruce Brown shot any Sunday. He went on to be a champion MX rider and won about 5 championships. Love this film thanks to whoever found it

Anonymous said...

glad to hear he fulfilled his promise then!.

Guy@GK said...

Is George still with us?