Jeremy told us about this one on US eBay.
Offering this mid 1970’s Can Am with a 250cc Rotax Engine by Bombardier, not sure the exact age. It includes a portable electric starter, Akron Front Rim, quick release rear sprocket, Betor forks and has a straight frame. It has been stored inside since I bought it, and I never even rode it, but was told it ran when I picked it up. Our kids thought they wanted to try vintage Flat Track Racing, so we bought five bikes. The racing never panned out so I m selling them off. This is the last one. It was said the Rotax engine by Bombardier was the most powerful in their class in the mid 70’s and was a desired bike. It has great compression, clutch engages, and shifts through all gears. Race it or restore it.
what were the other 4 bikes!!!!!!?????
carlito from rome
That sticker's crying out for a t-shirt transfer, no?
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