BA is the greatest city on earth. I went there on a job once. Watched a River Plate game with Dan Walsh (I know it should've been Boca, but they were playing away). Walked for miles. Ate at Sucre. Stayed at the Ritz (was it the Ritz, Dan?). Had one of my biggest nights drinking (and didn't chuck-up) in some Irish bar Dan called home. Bought nice socks from Felix. Walked around the amazing junk shops. Bought an old Michelin tin sign for my office/shed.
Anyway, it all came flooding back when I saw this email today.
Hi Gary! i wanted to share with you the first bike that me(freddy) and my friend Anibal ever modified, its a little Honda Cg 125cc, We are two tattooers from Buenos Aires, Argentina and we build tattoo machines...our company its called BR irons.
We are modifiyng also a 1958 gilera 150 supersport, and two cbs 250 now, ill send you pics when i have one ready... hope you like the bike, i woul be grateful if you give as your opinion ,thanks! freddy.
Freddy, it's looking good. Can't wait to see the Gilera. Give my love to BA.
PS Everyone should have a friend call Anibal. Even if it's just an imaginary one.
I must say: that is a very tidy 125 Honda. Bet it runs like a champ! Good job!
Si, The Ritz on the corner of Mayo y Juio. The bar was The Gibraltar. And yep, that was a terrific few days. And yep, that's a very pretty bike. And yep, I've gotta get outta this place - and back to BA. These fellas can welcome me home from home with a new tattoo, something from Borges, something like 'Que el cielo exista, aunque me lugar sera el infierno'
Suerte, Dan
sure man, you are welcome anytime just let us know! And thanks gary to post the pictures up! cheers ,freddy
I was supposed to be putting the old CG125 that is languishing in the back of the garage back together and selling it. Now I can't stop thinking about turning it in to something like that. Very cool
BTW, I hope you don't mind, but I've borrowed a copy of the photo to post here - http://wildchild.org.uk/blog/pivot/entry.php?id=11#body (any problem then obviously I'll remove it)
Love the bike....very cool, anyone tell me what bike donated the tank?
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