We're flattered with propositions from around the world, for new stories '....that may be of interest to Sideburn?', as way back when we printed the first issue, we were seriously worried how soon the well of suitable and original material would dry up. Plus, it's no good just banging a magazine together with 4"-b'-2" and a few rusty nails, we decided from the beginning we would only include stories and photography of worth, and make a magazine we'd want on our own coffee table. So how to sort the wheat from the chaff? Sideburn is not Wikipedia.
Would a Wiki' researcher cross-dress as a pensioner in piss-stained nylons, just so they could go deep-cover and gain access to restricted MI5 files on a Lady speedway star from the 1920s? A Sideburn researcher would. - Well not me personally, but Mick Phillips would. And did. He has written the inside story on infamous Fay Taylour for SB#5. And we even had to go as far as New Zealand to get the photos.
Incase you are wondering, 3/4s of the next issue is now completed; we will trickle feed you teasers as we finish it off. BP

You wouldn't want to get you goulies on the wrong side of this steel log-splitter. Mick Phillips had another close shave.