We've discovered Project FT500 has been run low on oil at some point and the rockers are worn. So WE NEED
Honda FT500 rockers OR, better still, a complete FT500 head
We'd also like a good rear disc. Can anyone help us? Email dirt @ sideburnmagazine.com (take the spaces out).
whole FT500 for 750 euros
Thanks McMad, but 750 euros is about twice as much as we paid for the whole bike. This is a budget project. G
David silver spares
He is your man
da ya think an Head of an XLR 500 will fit to the FT?
Ive been told that XL500r parts do fit, apparently mine has one fitted i was told when i brought it (also has a 'sportier' cam with higher lift - dunno if this is true) my head certainly has a manual decomp lever fitted that the FT shouldnt have AFAIK
Jack Z, yeah, like Taelstar, I'm pretty sure they do crossover. Why, have you got some for us? G
Had a bit more of a search guys, reminded me that i'd already looked for this years ago when I got mine, and turned out mine is a FT head with a xl cam not xl500s/r head.
The ft looks like this
the s or r is a bit different
stud pattern same and should fit, needs different exhaust headers and clamps though....
This Faq will help :)
My XBR500 ran low on oil and I can't blame the previous owner... But if you want decent hop up an NX650 Dominator engine should slot in just nicely
In between changing nappies and reading stories I might actually do it myself...
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