Thank you for the cinema history lesson people.
Blue bubble-visor a go-go, followed by male bonding.
UPDATE 2: From Mule - Your picture of Paul Newman is backwards. His number is 13 and it's a CZ with a rt side up-pipe!
Thanks Mule, but Ben will have just 'acquired' the photo off the internet during a late night trawl.
- doh Thank you Richard! now flipped sunny-side up. BP
Ben, you checked The Selvedge Yard?
sorry, just realised i'd seen it there but there's no story.
seems to be from the film "sometimes a great notion"
last post, i promise.
This is a movie
"sometimes a great notion" 1971 from Paul Neman with Henry Fonda
a story of woodmen in Oregon
not a motorccyle movie, but some sequences of dirt bike on sundays with bubblevisors helmets and huskys
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