We fear there may be some at the back of the class that still don't 'get' ROLLERBURN. It's quite a simple concept. Rollerskating is something kids in tutus and pigtails do in parks, the afore mentioned involves grownups and motorbikes, and is a bit more noisy. A night in watching the original 1975 cult film Rollerball on DVD is recommended homework. BP UPDATE: Nick is right, Rollerball has a killer soundtrack that was conducted by Andrew Preview (below). Rollerburn will have a killer soundtrack too, supplied by The Stags (Wigan), Les Terribles (Paris) and The Hip Priests (Nottingham).
That was a great movie. Just remembered when I was a kid, my folks used to go watch Rollerderby in Southern California. Also used to watch guys like Dan Guerny, when he was racing dirt track. Damn I'm getting old!
Seem to remember it had a stonking sound track
As will Rollerburn and its bastard love child, the pre-party.
If you Spotify you can listen to the soundtrack here:
the silly sods seem to have spelled Mr Preview's name wrong though
That was a great movie. Just remembered when I was a kid, my folks used to go watch Rollerderby in Southern California. Also used to watch guys like Dan Guerny, when he was racing dirt track. Damn I'm getting old!
Johnathan E lives again.
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