Just picked up this kids long sleeve T-shirt from Baby Gap with a cool flat track print. It shows what I'm pretty sure is a Yam and what I reckon is a Trackmaster frame. There's probably someone in Sideblog cyberspace who will know who rider #92 was and who can tell us all more about this photo.
Anyhow, anyone who has kids needs to get one of these for 'em. Sadly they don't do adult sizes otherwise I'd have grabbed one for me too!
best to all
Sideburn has our first ever kid's size shirt coming soon and its UK screen-printing hasn't the slightest whiff of the sweatshop. Just saying, like. G
"Sideburn has our first ever kid's size shirt coming soon..."
Do they come in sizes for 3year olds? My twins need more flattrack and less hello kitty and bamse. :-)
as you know my 12 yr old already flies the flag, but my 5 and 8 yr old have bitter SB apparel envy..Get them to the people quick please....
groovy shirt, hope the rider gets some royalties!!.
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