Then came the internet, and things became almost boringly easy. The spread of cross-breeding influence has spread like a sexual disease. However even with the wonders of technology, one will always spend helpless hours trawling the murky depths looking for info, and the hopeless quest for HiRes photos of a particularly special bike, whose only proof of existence is a thumbnail you found on a forum, you think, but you cant remember where.....
Imagine you could actually pour over this bike in reality.
You can. Sideburn has amassed a pant-wetting selection especially for Rollerburn. Hibrow to lowbrow; blinging to backstreet lash-up, Ridden or until now hidden, but each very very worthy. BP
get some sand racing bikes on show? there's some amazing rider-built, low budget bikes on the beach this year
You're not the first person to suggest that and we're on it. Who is the best person to organise two or three? G
Carl knows all the guys with the best bikes so I'm sure he'd be able to have a word or pass you their details? I know there's a few planning on attending Rollerburn anyway
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