Boastie flying the Sideburn flag

Sideburn T-shirts available from

Boastie's other-half, Jackie, getitng stuck in. Hope she wasn't expecting a beach holiday

Glyn and Boastie comparing notes

We're really trying to lay off the blog a little to concentrate on making Sideburn 3 and more T-shirts, but great stuff keeps landing on us. This is from Steve at the very excellent Poppa Wheelie blog -
I ran into Boastie at Pomona, great guy. I enjoyed the brief chats we had. He and his mate [Glyn Pocklington] were busy as could be so I just took a few shots of them as they worked. They did pretty good, they obviously know how to slide those bikes around. It was an incredibly strong field of 450s. Pomona is not an easy track but they handled it well. I saw the other guy have a couple of moments in Three and you let off the gas at that speed and three or four guys will come by and roost you right now.
To answer your question, no I had not seen SIDEBURN but I bought both issues from Boastie. I love 'em .Great stuff,keep' em coming. When I was saying goodbye to Boastie , Mike Kidd the new Guru of all Flat Tracking came up and was checking them out.
The whole event was really terrific. I hope those guys got a good feel for one of our Dirt Track meets.When your racing it is hard to pay attention to the other stuff outside of your races. There was a lot going on with three classes racing.
Hey Ben, thanks man, I'm glad you like my Blog.
OH, I love those Wooly Numbers !
Later, Steve"