You know Jason? The fella who can't help himself. The only man to have two different bikes in the first two issues of Sideburn. Well he's finished his race bike. Three hours too late for the last race, but he'll be at Scunthorpe. With Chris Carr.
How cool is this bike!
woah, sweet ride for sure. hope he don't fall off, be a shame to see a grown man cry when his lovely paintjob gets scuffed. does this mean the rest of the skooter farm boys are going bling now too????
what kind of frame is this?
is it hand made?
- an American C&J frame I presume?
That's one juicy bike Jason.
Are you single?
Diedre, you are correct. Any chance of sending us your full and frank life story?
Is your fuel tank emblazoned with 12 carat gold?
I think not.
It's actually 24 carat gold - the real stuff!
I should know as I applied it.
The finished bike looks great Jason. Good job!
Nice job Mr t, is it the same type face as the Clangers?
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