The helmets are all replicas, some bought already painted, some he painted up himself, the leathers and boots are real ex-Spencer kit.
If you want your own bit of Fast Freddie memorabilia, the NSR250 and NS500 from his incredible double-winning year are up for sale as a pair for, I've heard, $1 million. If you're going to get married, make sure you don't get divorced. Via Speed Junkies. GI
i have a ARAI FREDDIE SPENCER helmet dated 06/84, interested?
I had a FS helmet... a friend was over and needed a helmet to get home so I gave it to him... he saw on ebay it was 'worth' 500$ or something. He didn't give it back!
I have one (ARAI, I guess) that I have trashed mini-sliding. I need to find a pic for you.
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