As posted below, Sideburn 5 is finished and at the printers. We're pretty bloody pleased with it. God only knows how it takes us so long when I feel like I work on it everyday. Anyway, to celebrate making it to 5 we're organising a knees up. We could've had our party in London, Paris, Stockholm... We've chosen Wigan.
So, Northerners, here it is.
VENUE: British Legion Hall, Wigan
DATE: Friday March 26
ATTRACTIONS*: Warm up by perusing at the eclectic images of Davida MotoPhoto exhibition; pretend not to stare hungrily at the burlesque turn of Ms Bambi Le Beau; meet Skooter Farm and Sideburn luminaries; be wowed the King of DJs Sir Johnny Alpha and wig out to The Stags live on stage!
It's all the brainchild of Dave Skooter Farm and he knows how to throw a party.
Over in Liverpool the next day The Jim Jones Revue play The Go-Go Cage, ideal to make a weekend of it.
So, who's coming? GI
*All subject to confirmation (but we're confident).
can you tele-port me? yes I am a stag fan...a friend of a friend sent them...we both like the mummies...we're cursed so are you.
Party Recklessly andshit.
ps. the bike says hi.
Up town ranking in Wigan!
What a weekend. And first practice of the year at Kings Lynn on Sunday. Couldnt be better.
Won't be able to make it over, but my money will.. Congratulations..
BUGGER... cant remember if I subscribed to issue 5 or not!!!! - If not can i have another sticker?
Ringadingdoo (and any other subscribers) you can email us and find out, but we will be sending reminders for those whose subs have run out. Cheers G
Can't wait to get the mag. Party's a bit far north for me to get to. Can you get chilled white wine in Wigan? If so, have a glass on me
No I don't believe they have any type of wine in Wigan. Can you recomend any other substitute drinks we can buy ourselves?
Maybe they have Babysham if we're lucky.
Have one anywhere in North America and Ill show up.
oh man.may I suggest malmö or copenhagen for #6?
Party then practice !
I'm in
And Sideburn girl too !
Steve #59
definitely. Nicola too.
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