Only a week till the Sideburn Wig-Out in Wigan - click the flyer on the right for details.
That means it's time to start perfecting those dance moves. Here's some inspiration. We can't embed Chicken Payback (above) so check that last. It's brilliant. G
That Roy Head clip is outrageous.....he should be called "Roy Legs"......
can't wait for Friday!!
Dave Skooter Farm
Brilliant, Brilliant, Brilliant!!!
Just how busy do you reckon the first aid room was at Wigan Casino at the club's height? I'd love to see footage of the blokes who got it badly wrong. That would have been me, of course...
nut crushing, bell-bottom suit trousers 'matched' with a racer back vest. Interesting styling. I bet a few crotches were split open, so as well as St Johns Ambulance on stand-by, they would have needed a seamstress.
wow... those are great videos! That last guy moves like Jello!
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