Stoke, Thunderbike heat-race 1, lap 2, turn 2, BAM! The tea & crumpet went flying. Not one of those slow motion crashes you can analyze as your body floats through the air before the uncomfortable contortion and crunch to follow, but a instantaneous low-side slap, with the bike then flipping over to cause further damage. Bent rear sub-frame and silencer, throttle and clutch lever sheered off. But no body parts broken.

Jackie had my new official shatter-proof number board at the ready, and with thanks to some New Delhi back street engineering in the pits, we somehow managed to get the bike bent back into a rideable state just in time for my next heat-race.

Skooter Farm's senior management gets busy with a scaffold pole stuffed in the silencer to straighten out the mullered back-end.
Unlike the very professional Chippy Wood I am unable to multi-task on such days; racing and taking photos, so we will update with readers photos as they come in. It was a great days racing. BP
glad you stood up to the crash better than your number board!.
great days racin, good fun had by all!!.
well done that man!
Quality day.
Few snaps here: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=182686&id=547048060&l=656b8e55d0
...jeeeeeeeepers Ben...!
After a coupla seasons racing dirt track...we soon realised a 6 foot length of scaffold tube is an essential item to have on standby in the back of the van...very versatile!! That's my dad, Trev on the business end of the tube. "Don't miss the restart!"
reminiscent of a bad day at The Antiques Road Show - very sorry about the tea tray
me is your New Delhi back street engineering fan
me is your New Delhi back street engineering fan
Loving the tea-tray! Glad yr ok and back in the fray...
damn.. how'd the next Heat go?
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