Thursday 15 July 2010

McWilliams Replica XR1200

Former GP hardman Jeremy McWilliams is racing an XR1200 in the UK one-make series that is supporting the British Superbike series. His sponsor, Warr's Harley-Davidson have built this the Warr's McWilliams XR1200 replica. The stance of the race bikes we've seen is so much more aggressive and this doesn't replicate that, so doesn't look as good. The pipe isn't as cool as the two-into-one-into-two either. GI

UPDATE: The race bikes link now works


YZ400BEN said...

It's them itty bitty shopping trolley wheels that really finish it off.

Diplomate said...

very hard to understand what was going through their minds - I mean, in the maritime world there are whole departments dedicated to designing ship's anchors, and they're probably almost as good