Not as universally handy as a Leatherman in combination with a Specialized mountain bike mini fold-out EMT Allen key set, in my 'don't hit the road without it'
tool kit, but my
King Dick,
established in 1856 is my most prized piece. Just the weight of it is stimulating. There is virtually no slack in the jaws. I painted one side day-glo so as not to loose it fumbling in the dark at the roadside (no idea why both sides didn't get the treatment). You can pick them up for a couple of quid at car boot sales, this little fella is only a few inches long, but they make a big whoppas too. BP
she's a beaut!
I've Yet to find an adjustable spanner that's worth rubbing in shit. Theyr'e 95% useless, only good as smashy/clampy/levery things when the proper tool is out of reach ha ha. Maybe I'll give this basted a look based on this reccomendation.
maybe this will help
dai x
I've got one in my mountain bike toolkit and she is far sweeter than any other adjustable spanner, even my quality bahco ones.
And I have memories of tittering as a youth in my Dad's garage at the spanners with King Dick written on them much like Beavis and butthead - huh hu hu huh hu ha
King Dick tools are great quality.
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