'Thought you guys would enjoy seeing a picture of my xray of my hip/pelvis. The xray is a recent one taken 07/13/10.. nearly a year after the indy accident.
I feel pretty good. Obviously I will physically never be the same, but I feel I'm in as good as shape as I can be. I can go a full twenty five lap national and not get tired. My speed is pretty good. I just have to up it a little bit to take it to the next level for some top fives. I feel like I'm on the verge! I skipped out on both Daytona's because I wasn't physically ready and Springfield TT because I can't do jumps with my leg.'
To see the crash go to this post to see the VBS Americana Video that top photographer and Sideburn contributor Adam Wright was involved with.
I saw him go over the wall. It's not something I'll forget.
be careful where you take him if he's over here again soon - scrap metal prices are going through the roof again and some peoploe just don't care !
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