His Triumph (that we featured in SB#5) was laying nonchalantly in the back of a borrowed people carrier; bolstered with soft furnishings. It is now sporting knobblies and a new Hovis-like comfy seat. Having ticked off road racing and enduro, next year he hopes hopes to race the same bike at a UK flat track event. Always good to catch up with the busy man. BP
UPDATE: I've added a few of my snaps. GI

a pity we've missed :(
Sorry men, but I am interesting at a Bell Helmet like the photo of stands with 8 or 10 helmets.
If possible buy one for my tell please.
Ah!!! You have a great blog & magazine.
How was with Romano in Milano?
Crizy, they're old Bell Moto helmets of different ages. Try eBay and type in Bell Moto.
Thanks Red Torpedo. FTW
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