About this time last year we posted a photo of German Karp's project, mainly because he was in Buenos Aires and we were excited that someone so far afield had found our blog. Now he's finished. I'm posting it because Buenos Aires is the best city I've ever visited. And that Quilmes beer truck in the background reminds me of going to see River Plate play Quilmes (a football team named after a beer named after a native tribe) with Dan Walsh. It was when I went to BA for a feature and Dan was rattling round there having ridden down from Canada. Anyway, German says...
Hi guys,I finally finish my bike,its a gorgeous GS 425 1976. Nice metalflake on fiberglass tank. All the work was handmade,no CNC,some lathe to be fair.
Thanks for your time ,German Karp,Buenos Aires,Argentina
Hey Dan, I've turned into one of those tossers who does one thing once and goes on about it forever.

Really nice stance on that little guy. Muchas Gracias Señor Karp
Thanks for post my bike,and if you ever come back to BA I was happy to receive you and we must go to drink some Quilmes beers!!!
German Karp,Buenos Aires.
my personal mail if you travel to Argentina is germankarp@hotmail.com don´t ever doubt in contact me!
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