Look at this young fella, a Sideburn style guru if ever we saw one. The knitwear (sleeves pushed up, he means business), the Wallaby shoes, the swept-down faux sideburns. That's without mentioning his bike. What machine that is. The photo was found by Olle in Denmark.
'Just stumbled upon this aspiring young dirt tracker and thought you would like it. I found it on Ratrod bikes
Also worth checking from Denmark where we roam: World's fastest Rockabilly moped gang and building cafe racers in Denmark.
I So wanted a Raleigh Rampar when I was a young'un...
Glad you liked the picture. The link for Teufelskerle - 'The World's fastest Rockabilly moped gang' - is flawed, so I'll just leave it here, should anyone be interested: http://www.teufelskerle.dk
Sorry Olle. I've fixed the link now. G
Just wanted to say that I love your blog. Keep up the excellent work boys.
Even carrying a spare fried egg,
what more could a boy want?
that's the coolest bike I have ever seen in my entire life.
oh, and those shoes were called
Dope Smokers.
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