Via Spanish John; who gave us the original tip-off, the meassage has come back from Pepo Rosell and Reyes Ramón of Radical, that this bike should not be considered as seriously as their Ducatis. They realize it's no Mona Lisa...
"This bike was built in a very short amount of time, as something exclusively for the road with tracker and 50s bobber overtones [?] and that if they'd wanted something to look like a racetrack refugee, it not only would have been very different to what they've ended up with, but that he'd have started out with a Supermotard Aprilia. However, his top priority has been to finish the RADs for the Verona Show. He does not expect everyone to love what he does, but wanted you to understand where his mind and priorities were when doing this."
rear end length is screwy too
i love the Radical bikes but i dont feel this one... maybe is the shaft drive, or the front rake....
I doesn't quite look like a flat or street tracker in the traditional sense. But I still kind of like it. It's different and that is always a plus in my book.
Must sound great too with that open supertrapp:-)
I'm with you, Krook Street. If you'd seen the pig Radical started with you'd be impressed. I'd hate for everyone to be riding identikit SR500s. G
I've had a Guzzi street tracker in mind for some time now, but this ain't it.
A new small sharp tank would do a lot for the looks I think. Anyway it is a cool bike!
Happy New Year Guys! Thanks for all inspiration and great magazines during the year.
Stop by Sweden in 2010!!
as shapely as my thunderbike!.
can i have the ski mask for rider parades?!!.
not baD but TanK is FaR too BiG !
whaTever interestinG stuFF ;)
Anyone knows where did he get the rear from?
Ivo, we don't know. Just email Pepo at Radical Ducati in Madrid. Gary
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