So anyway, yesterday, I went with my mate Francesco and his van (he runs a very good touring/bike hire firm, CIMT) to rescue the poor old thing. I was relieved at how well it's fared and a good clean will have it looking pretty tidy again (can't speak yet for shrivelled oil seals, wrecked chrome bores, nipped-up bearings etc). It now has a new home in a large communal garage where Francesco keeps his hire fleet. He insisted that I parked it where it could be ogled from his office in the corner of the garage, which is fine by me. Now begins the slow process of getting it ready for the road and - more dauntingly - putting it through Italian red tape to register it. But I feel good just having it nearby again. I'm really sorry Guz. It was never through lack of love, just lack of cash. You know that, don't you? MP
Ciao Mick, if you need any help on the Italian red tape front, let me know. I've registered a couple of foreign bikes and cars here in Italy.
Ciao t_s. Much appreciated. If you could drop me a line at dirt @ sideburnmagazine.com (take out the spaces) and ask Gary or Ben to forward the message to me, I'll then have your email address and can write to you in panic when I'm ready to take the plunge.
wether it be the smell of summer - or rotting seat upholstery, your mother in laws grotto being demolished, romantic forza italia, or just good old fashioned Roman Catholic guilt, I'm very glad you have decided to excavate the old gal
Hey, you leave my mother-in-law's grotto out of this...
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