We warned you when Sideburn 1 nearly sold out. We warned you when Sideburn 2 nearly sold out. We predict
Sideburn 4 is going to sell out next. Click the Sideburn 4 Teaser label below to find out why. G
PS Troy
Chico Moto shot the cover for SB4 and has shot a killer feature for SB7.
Gary, always thought there was interest in flat trackers, well done for you and the team for finding it, hope you go from strength to strength, best wishes for the coming year
sorry...nothing to do with this post
but been scanning thro' a blog called pipeburn i dont think you are related
but the photo of the vinny in douglas at mkt st
it says it was taken by BRAD PART
it is xmas!!
Thanks Grunt,
I've been called many things under the sun but never BRAD!
Pipeburn is no relation, file with Carpetburn, Chinese burn, Robert Burn, and heart burn.
Merry Xmas!
BEN Part
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