King Cinder was a British drama series made for children and screened in 1977. It was based around a young speedway star, played by Peter Duncan, seen above posing on an upright Jawa, and went down well with the nation's post-school telly watchers. I was 12 and spent much of my time wishing my life away so I could be old enough to ride on the road. Back then, learners aged 17 and over could ride a 250 on L plates and when our hero wasn't hammering his methanol-whippet round the track, he was stinking up the streets on an early Kawasaki KH250, one of a clutch of quarter-litre teen lust objects.
The best we yanks could do was have real-life speedway star Bruce Penhall play a California motor cop in that awful TV show CHiPs.
i remeber a thing about aussie sidecar speedway, on kids tv in the early eighties, at least i think i do!.
And don't forget when Ricky became a speedway rider on Eastenders... and there's always Belle vue programmes and posters in the staff room at Waterloo Road (I know... sad innit).
Great series.
Was that before or after PD's porn film?
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