Below are shots of the build. Carl at CFM is doing the business. It's had a new sub-frame and all the welds are smoothed in. The forks are from a TDR250 and we're having a custom front disc made and new rear shocks. And, hopefully, a Death Spray Custom paintjob. Looking good, eh?
Looks better than any old FT has the right to. What a transformation. Good job boys.
I've got a 19mm Braking radial M/C with an incorporated reservoir. If that could work let me know.
the smoothed over welds are a nice touch! compared to the spattered/goobery OEM ones, this will give your frame a really pleasant line to follow...
i also like the wheels.
Honda uses the same nissan front master on CR80-CRF450's for years
I've used them from ebay on two SR 500 buils with zero issues.
Can you point us to a photo of one of them, on your bike please? Did the mag and T-shirt arrive before the volcanic plume shut Europe down?
Got the goods Gary, thank you.
Sorry for the lagging we've been busy.
here's a couple pics hope they help
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