American motorcycle clothing firm (and friends of Sideburn) Icon have launched a new higher end line called ICON 1000 and shot a Mad Max 1 survivalist chic campaign to promote it. I can't stop looking at the photos. The guys from Portland have some brilliant ideas and seem to execute all their marketing, from their videos to their Limiter free magazine, with panache and gusto. And a new clothes range gives them a chance to build new bikes too, in this case: Magnificent Bastard, The Roach and the revisited Operator.

The Magnificent Bastard - a 1986 VF1000R. Icon say '
However you chose to describe her – stout, thick, big-boned – there was no denying the VF1000R was one seriously heavy motorcycle. Far too heavy for the track, which is ironically the exact use for which she was bred.' The Honda is now a mix between the Goose's MFP Z1 and the bikes of the Toecutter's gang. Rally lights, crash bars, Leo Vinci end cans and knobblies on stock Comstars. I love it. Not sure about the CB radio though. It's probably some iPhone compatible retro thing that's passed me by. G

The Operator: Redux, Icon's 1999 900SS. They say, '
Her pipes bludgeoned by numerous asphalt encounters, a frame horrifically marred by spilled battery acid, and a set of valves that have never seen the caressing hands of a trained mechanic; she was very much worse for the wear.'
Battery mounted in the tail piece, old skool endurance racing cool. Love it!
I cant tell you how many times i have wanted a warn winch on my bike. adventures.
The tail is an Airtech Yosh Tornado unit.
First we channeled it. Then we reshaped the sides. And the front. Then we shortened it. Then we realized we shortened it too much. So we glassed it back together. Then we gave the trailing edge a Honda 'notch'. Then we drape-glassed in an undertail. Which interfered with the subframe. Then we realize we had spent for too much time on this miserable project so we moved on - to installing a CB :)
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