A Maggot! Who'd have thunk it? When I started riding, the CX500 was just about the least desirable motorcycle on British roads, but 21st century fresh thinking is making virtually any bike ripe for a make-over. Of course, people have modified CXs for years, but they've all looked hideous. The Wrenchmonkees built a handsome one using loads of stocks parts (WM27, below), and now French start-up Rive Gauche Kustom has built another tasty Maggot, even with a yellow engine. Tres bon, monsieurs! G

Who'd of thought!!
Have to say, I've always had a bit of a liking for the CX even in stock trim (except for the Silver Wing, Euro Sport and custom versions). But then I used to run an MZ Supa 5, so...
That is fucking splendid!
And Mick, you're wrong about Silver Wings - a two wheeled Bedford Rascal is never an exception...
I used to come across Sean Emmett despatching a Silver Wing, and watching him leather the thing round london town may have given me an exaggerated respect for the bike when it was all about the rider. But it did have a radio...
I clearly need to reassess...
Maybe more an escort van than a rascal - painted over phone number on the side, plywood rear interior, dashboard lost under a litter of fag packets, tatty page threes, and styrofoam cups full of biro holes....
Old couriers used to call the CX 'The Clitoris' - 'because every c*nt's got one...'
More infos here:
(P.S.: It's in french, but Google Translate might help.)
Would i be alone then in saying they are still shite - no matter how you dress one up ?
Search for turbo tim Cx drag racer ~(deranged friend) who is the CX king !
Steve .
"Oh Christ! You chopped a CX ??? "
"Yaah, like..80s retro..looks kinda cool in silhouette and most of our customers just want to park a bike in the studio their parents bought them.."
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