- He can't yet wipe his own arse, but he will be come a bassist in a rock'n'roll band, he will (have no choice but to) love motorbikes. And in 37 years time, he will write an article about his Dad's antics as a grass-track side-car monkey for a motorcycle magazine called Sideburn. His band is called Little Barrie. They have a new album out in the here and now, today. It's called King of the Waves. They're playing at Bowery Electric in New York tonight. BP
UPDATE: You can see a special recording of Little Barrie playing live on Breakthru Radio. It's good. G
Nice one BP
Anyone else going to the show tonight? Dirt trackers represent!
Wow, that photo could be straight outta my dads album too.
Can almost smell the castrol r, chopped up grass, and mobile chippy, cooking on lard!!.
halcyon days.
Hey Stevie,
that's probably my favourite smell in the world.
Your dad's wasn't jim coles was he?
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