I'm 15 stone so this probably wouldn't work.
Ask Steve Red Max for his version of this story. He went via a hedge first and also didn't make it. He then craftily took the precaution of swimming down to remove the registration numberplate, before scurrying off into the bushes. BP
You will nev er know until you try.
By the way, do you think that stunt failed before they added the plywood on the grass part of the approach?
O YES, the joys of a misspent youth, 10,000 hours comes to mind, GREAT
There's also an exit ramp, which helps a tad.
Well spotted eagle-eyes. I hadn't spotted that. Now that really is cheating.
In the sixties we were skate boarding pools...that still had the water in them...also trying to ride Schwinn Stingrays underwater. Something about chlorinated water...
Hey yea ! forgot i'd told you guys that story ,,,, never had a escape ramp to help out tho .
May blog that story myself and nick this vid .....
Steve .
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