Riddle me this Boy Wonder... In this months French bike mag La Vie de la Moto, is a short news piece about the new (but old style) Bell jet helmet, and claim it's being made in Europe. If you Goggle for it, sure enough, it pops up for sale at Grand Prix Legends in England, priced £160 - not bad for a leather lined helmet. However if you go to Bell America (an incredibly slow website, or is my computer stuffed?) their R/T is a different non-retro shell with a very dodgy peak, and only a nylon lining. Hmm?
check this link Ben. Also check the price...
The bell RT in the picture is an autoracing bell rt
The Bell helmets (motorcycle)are made in china. Not in Europe
Err Dim, the link shows the US spec R/T I already pooh pooh'd, but with a garish paint-job to boot.
And the open face autorace helmets have weird jaw extensions.
the paint job is terrible but the helmet is in principle the same. It is not a car racing helmet. They used to do one like that. I was wrong. I do not dislike like the jaw extension bell car racing helmets. Just like the Stand 21 open face car racing helmets.
Looks like a cool retro helmet
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