You know how it goes trawling the internet. You might as well be tanked up on mushrooms, spun around a few times and told to walk home; you end up in the weirdest of places, discover the weirdest of facts about the universe, and the people who ride motorbikes. Hence a Swedish website I cant understand a word of, but with some photos of a nutter drifting his Daytona Guzzi through the snow - which I don't understand either. That bastard weighs more than 200kg
GI-Awsome shot..you ever seen that dude in artica with the Velo? madness. by the way- the b-dazzaled Christmas tag is special!
you figure out Mooneyes yet? want me to be your merch man on the ground?HA?
That's just plain wrong. A motocross front mudguard on a Guzzi? In deep snow? Why oh why? oh... wait... why not? Oh, yes... I get it now. We be Sideburning People. We be doing this kind of stuff for the love of the wild. Merry Xmas, y'all.
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