It's New Year's Eve and a few things are happening all at once in some amazing conflugerance (I don't think that's a word) of cosmic proportions. It's about three years since I realised I wanted to publish something myself. It was going to be a book about my friend Dan Walsh's moto-travel writing, but then he got picked up by a big publisher and offered a cash advance he'd have been insane to turn down. His book has been in the Top 10 non-fiction titles in the UK charts this year.
I love books, but I understand magazines so I spoke to Ben Part (a photographer who'd never designed a magazine before) about producing a magazine focusing on flat track racing and related street bikes. He came up with the name Sideburn and we started work. There was no business plan. It takes up too much time, but we're always happy with the results and people who buy it like it on the whole, so it spurs us to make another.
Then I came up with the idea of doing a blog to keep the Sideburn name in people's minds inbetween making the magazine, but professional pride has meant we want to post every day. And we do. Now there's a risk of it taking up valuable time we should be using for the magazine. And that's were the conflugerance comes in - today, New Year's Eve 2008, we will post our 500th post (this one) and have clocked up 100,000 clicks (according to Statcounter).
Thanks to all the visitors. Now please buy the mag, T-shirt, stickers...
Thanks and happy new year, GI