Surely not?! I thought, the first time I spotted this motorway intersection on the map just south west of Amsterdam, and the penny dropped. I jumped on the Guzzi and went to test it. Sure enough, Go Fast, Turn Right, and keep on Going Fast, Turning Right ad finitum like some demented child with a Whizzwheels loop (I was one, so thats probably why I enjoyed it). If a similar clover leaf intersection exists in Britain
or other countries that hold their jousting lance in their right hand then it will be Go Fast, Turn Left. BP

photo from Vectis
sensational! does it come in an off road version by chance?
Started Clover Leaf Racing in the S.F. Bay Area, CA back in 1984 on My SR500F...
Redrum, yes, there is, less than a mile away from the one Ben mentions..
Well, if you look a bit in the surroundings... this oval is now used for horses. But with a little imagination...
Sorry, wrong link:
Yeah TS!
Looks like 1/2 mile
What about a Dutch randstad flat track tounament Jan-Willem?
I drove past it discovering it. I reckon it would be a perfect location to organise something. It is in the middle of nowhere, so noise is not a problem. If you want I can do some research....
@ TS, Besides being in the middle of nowhere it is under the approach for Schiphol airport..
Hmmm, a dirt oval less than 5 min from my house, beat up DRZ 400 in my garage..
Go fast. Turn left. Just south of Birmingham.
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