The DT was crucified before being slung back in the car.
Jamie on borrowed bike (62).
Another newcomer on one of the old CCM school bikes. Sorry, didn't get your name.. They're a great buy.
Drogo, all black in front of Stuart, another newcomer, who bought Tom Woolley's CCM and looked on it.
Drogo came as Dick Mann circa 1975 (but about 18in taller). He borrowed Steve Red Max's Vertemati, Skooter Farm Dave's boot and hot shoe and Steve's helmet (having turned up with a novelty pisspot and sunglasses). He had a blast!

The novice class (at the six national short track rounds), is likely to be fun. Get involved. G
Ha,ha, I was so ill prepared, the crap I had in my boot was better suited to a fancy dress party! A huge thanks to everyone who bolted me together in their stuff, never has a nicer bunch of people steered a rookie fool.
p.s. I googled Dick Mann, with my safe search off, I'm going to take that as a manly compliment....
Great to see new faces ...and then later in the day....SMILING new faces!!
Seriously, 2011 is the year if you are even remotely interested in seeing what this is all about. Novice class at club level, doesn't get better than use a piece of advice from Billy Childish...just come and have a go at PRETENDING to be a racer....if you pretend hard enough and long will become one.
great to see new riders comin in, long may it continue!!.
Ahh, I knew that photo would come back to haunt me!
A great day out, and what a paddock, genuinely blown away by the friendliness and generosity of everyone involved. Scotty's lad was offering his ride and advice as soon as he saw the problems I was having with The Bastard, and the rest of the day pretty much went on like that. Thanks to everyone who helped me.
P.S. I'm making my patented flat tracker loading system to order, just send cash to my shed and I'll post you the scrap bits of wood from my garden, some washing line and the instructions..
oh man you're really ramping up the temptation to get involved - quivering index finger on mouse between online banking and ebay/CCM.
Trying to figure out if being told by Boastie he wondered if i had a licence means i shouldn't, or if the fact i ended up with rider of the day means i should?
See you on Sunday.
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