Cut a grove with a Dremel on the inside bottom edge of the box flap. Stick in a 2P piece. Enjoy a litter-free doormat.
NB. this does rely on your postie delivering at the same time every day (preferably first thing in the morning), so you can take it out beforehand, and still get legit post (popping it back in before you go off to work). BP
Mad maybe. Happy, definitely. Genius, most certainly.
And while the postie is struggling with the flap you nick his van and write Sideburn down the side, sorted !
I used to collect all the junk mail and send it all to one of the lucky creators of it just putting one second class stamp on it, didn't do much good, but gave me some satisfaction, I can understand where your coming from, HATE IT
Brilliant - but did you know a letterbox is a legal must-have? Started in the 18th Century when the post really got going - posh folk were up in arms at having to have a slot cut in the front door; reckoned it was Posties duty to knock, wait for Jeeves to appear, and then go on to the next lucky sod who could read...
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